Tuesday, February 07, 2006

and another interresting period of time has passed since my last visit to this well-neglected monologue du net.

It seems that the Muslims haven't quite managed to leave the 14th century behind, stoming about the planet as they are currently doing, setting fire to random Danish embassies in an uproar of righteous indignation over a dozen cartoons printed in the fall of last year. Cartoons that most of these dusky idiots have probably never seen, even if they could understand the language they were printed in.

It seems that we of the west have violated yet another of their sacred tenets in printing the likeness of mohammed, and even worse, portraying him as the prophet of a religion based on violence and bloodshed. Now, given the characteristics of your regular, every-day muslim on arab street, this isn't as far-fetched an idea as it mighty seem. If there is one collective group on the face of the planet, who can be pointed at and charged (successfully) of fostering and fomenting discord, violence, and terror in the streets of the western civilization, it is most certainly the muslims. Time and again we are presented of tales of muslim suicide-bombers killing themselves and assorted innocents. We are regaled with videos of muslim 'freedom-fighers' chopping the heads off of westerners they have kidnapped.

In the light of this I set a challenge to the global muslim population.

If Islam is all about peace, enlightenment, and free-thinking...


Come on, put aside the religious fervour, put aside the war-like posturing, and put aside the guns. Prove to us that Islam is better than Western Secularism, but do it with the VIRTUES of islam, not by trying to overrun us with idiots willing to blow themselves up, and certainly not by trying to hold us hostage to your collective howling at the gates.

It is a very dangerous road that you currently find yourselves, you preach jihad against the west, and we in the west pretty much ignore it. Until, of course, you manage to blow something up over here. Be very careful in that respect. The west is like a very large bear, slow to anger, willing to do WHATEVER it takes to win, and very hard to stop once roused. Right now you have a priviledged position in that you haven't managed to alienate everyman. Once you do, you may well find yourself with a holy war the likes of which you have never contemplated, one which you will never even hope to live through, let alone win. The firestorm will be impressive.

So do us all a collective favour, try dragging your asses out of the 14th century and try to at least get a little closer to the present day. Yes this does mean modernizing, embracing the seperation of chrcuh and state, and having to deal with women (but at least they smell nicer than the average goat)

otherwise be very careful on what you wish for, as you may well get it.



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